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This document describes the "compartment" C++ class. This class describes objects that are compartments, and can be used to represent neurons and parts of neurons. Click here to view the source code of this class.

Abstract can contain contained in
no conductance, mechanism, synapse network


User-accessible properties

Name type Notes
V double membrane potential
Ca double calcium concentration

Variables that help with integration

Name type Notes
k_V double{4} Stores sub-step voltages in Runge-Kutta integration
k_Ca double{4} Stores sub-step voltages in Runge-Kutta integration

Pointers to other components and helper variables

Name type Notes
cond vector pointers to all conductances in compartment
syn vector pointers to synapses onto this neuron.
mech vector pointers to mechanisms
mechanism_sizes vector stores sizes of each mechanism's full state
synapse_sizes vector stores sizes of each mechanism's full state
axial_syn vector vector that will store the axial synapses
upstream compartment * pointer to upstream compartment
downstream compartment * pointer to downstream compartment

Global parameters

Name type Notes
temperature double Automatically set by network



Function Signature

void addAxial(synapse *syn_) 


This method adds an axial synapse to this compartment. It updates the n_axial_syn property of this class so that every compartment can keep track of how many axial synapses are connected to it.

See Also


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Function Signature

void addConductance(conductance *cond_) 


This method adds a conductance object to this compartment. It does the following things:

  1. Adds a pointer to the conductance to a vector of pointers called cond
  2. Calls the connect method of that conductance with a pointer to this compartment.

See Also


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Function Signature

void init() 


This virtual method is a placeholder initialization method. Initialization methods are called after the model has been constructed, and all components have been connected, but before the model starts the simulation. This is a good place to put code that you need to run once before the simulation.


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Function Signature

void addMechanism(mechanism *mech_) 


This method adds a mechanism object to this compartment. It does the following things:

  1. Adds a pointer to the conductance to a vector of pointers called mech
  2. Updates various attributes of the conductance like verbosity, etc.
  3. Tells the mechanism what its ordering in mech is by updating mechanism_idx in that mechanism object
  4. Determines the data frame size of this object by reading out fullStateSize and storing this in mechanism_sizes

See Also


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Function Signature

void addSynapse(synapse *syn_) 


This method adds a synapse to this compartment. A pointer to this synapse is stored in the vector syn

See Also


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Function Signature

void checkSolvers(int solver_order) 


This method is called when a non-default solver order is requested. The compartment checks that it can support this solver order, and then asks every component contained in it if they can support this solver order. This ensures that the solver order can actually be used, because if any component cannot support this solver order (because those integration routines have not been written), then they can throw an error, aborting the simulation.


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Function Signature

double getBCDF(int idx)


This method is a helper function used in the Crank-Nicolson scheme and returns B, C, D and F values as defined in eq. 6.45 of "Theoretical Neuroscience" by Dayan and Abbott


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Function Signature

conductance* getConductancePointer(const char* cond_class) 


This method returns the pointer to a conductance stored in this compartment, identified by its class name.


Note that there is another method with the same name that can be called using a integer argument.


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Function Signature

conductance * getConductancePointer(int cond_idx)


This method returns the pointer to a conductance contained in this compartment, identified by its numeric index.


Note that there is another method with the same name that can be called using a char argument.


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Function Signature

compartment* getConnectedCompartment(int idx) 


This method returns a pointer to a compartment that is linked via axial synapses to this compartment.


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Function Signature

int getFullCurrentState(double *cond_state, int idx) 


This method is used to read out the full dynamical state of all channels, and to store it in a large array for output.

Since C++ doesn't support returning multiple values, this function works like this:

  • it is first called with a pointer to the array, and an integer specifying where it should write values to
  • it writes as many values as it wants to, to the array, and returns a new integer indicating the next empty location in the array

See Also


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Function Signature

int getFullMechanismSize(void) 


This method returns the full dimension size of all the mechanisms in this compartment. The full size is calculated on the fly by recursively asking all the mechanisms in this compartment what their data dimension is, and adding up all those numbers.

See Also


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Function Signature

int getFullMechanismState(double *mech_state, int idx) 


This method is used to read out the full dynamical state of all mechanisms, and to store it in a large array for output.

Since C++ doesn't support returning multiple values, this function works like this:

  • it is first called with a pointer to the array, and an integer specifying where it should write values to
  • it writes as many values as it wants to, to the array, and returns a new integer indicating the next empty location in the array

See Also


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Function Signature

int getFullSynapseSize(void) 


This method returns the full dimension size of all the synapses in this compartment. The full size is calculated on the fly by recursively asking all the synapses in this compartment what their data dimension is, and adding up all those numbers.

See Also


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Function Signature

int getFullSynapseState(double *syn_state, int idx) 


This method is used to read out the full dynamical state of all synapses, and to store it in a large array for output.

Since C++ doesn't support returning multiple values, this function works like this:

  • it is first called with a pointer to the array, and an integer specifying where it should write values to
  • it writes as many values as it wants to, to the array, and returns a new integer indicating the next empty location in the array

See Also


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Function Signature

mechanism * getMechanismPointer(int mech_idx)


This method returns a pointer to a mechanism stored in this compartment, identified by its numerical index.


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Function Signature

mechanism* getMechanismPointer(const char* cond_class)


This method returns a pointer to a mechanism that is contained by this compartment, that is linked to a conductance of a certain type, also in this compartment.


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Function Signature

synapse * getSynapsePointer(int syn_idx)


This method returns a pointer to a synapse contained by this compartment, where this synapse is identified by the numerical index it was added to this compartment.


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Function Signature

void integrateChannels(void) 


This method integrates all the channels in the compartment. This method is only used when this compartment is not part of a multi-compartment model. It simply asks every conductance object in this compartment to integrate by calling their integrate methods.


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Function Signature

void integrateCNFirstPass(void) 


This method is part of the Crank-Nicolson method to solve for the voltages in a multi-compartment neuron. This is the "first pass" down a cable. In simulations, this is called before integrateCNSecondPass.

See Also


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Function Signature

void integrateCNSecondPass(void) 


This method is part of the Crank-Nicolson method to solve for the voltages in a multi-compartment neuron. This is the "second pass" up a cable. In simulations, this is called after integrateCNFirstPass.

See Also


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Function Signature

void integrateMechanisms(void) 


This method integrates all mechanisms in this compartment. It simply calls the integrate method on every mechanism in the compartment.

Before integration, it copies over the full state of every mechanism into mech_states member so that all mechanisms "see" the same thing when they interact with each other, solving ordering inconsistencies


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Function Signature

void integrateMS(int k)


This method integrates the voltage in this compartment, and all components contained by this compartment, using the Runge-Kutta 4 solver. It iteratively calls the integrateMS method of all components contained within this compartment.


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Function Signature

void integrateSynapses(void) 


This method integrates all synapses in this compartment. All that this method does is "ask" every synapse to integrate (by calling their integrate method), and keep track of how they contribute to sigma_g and sigma_gE.


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Function Signature

void integrateV_clamp(double V_clamp) 


This integration method is called when a compartment is voltage clamped. Here, the voltage is updated to the clamp voltage, and the current required to do so is computed and stored in I_clamp.


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Function Signature

void computeClampingCurrent(double V_clamp) 


This integration method is called when a multi-compartment neuron model is voltage clamped. This computes the clamping current needed for that compartment, and takes into account current flows between compartments


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Function Signature

void integrateVoltage(void) 


This method integrates the voltage in this compartment, assuming this compartment is not part of a multi-compartment neuron model, and default solver orders are being used.

When the use_current flag is 0, it uses the exponential Euler method to integrate the voltage. This makes the explicit assumption that all conductances are linear in V and that the currents don't need to be computed to integrate the voltage.

When the use_current flag is 1, the currents from each conductance are computed, and the the voltage is integrated using the sum total of these currents using a simple Euler method.


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Function Signature

void resolveAxialConductances(void) 


This method is used to "resolve" a multi-compartment model, i.e., to figure out which end is which in a cable. Compartments in a multi-compartment model are linked together using Axial synapses and the tree_idx property of the compartment is used to indicate its distance from the soma.

This method sets the downstream_g and upstream_g properties of this compartment based on the other compartments in the model.


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